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Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

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  1. #1
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    Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Sql query spits out data onto worksheet, which I then format through VBA for end user
    Manager Name
    Office Name
    client id
    client name
    Billable (gets subtotaled)
    Progress (gets subtotaled)
    Net (gets subtotaled)
    Reserve (is manually entered, gets subtotaled)
    Group (new column to group on)

    Report has only 1 manager name for all data
    Multiple offices, sorted by office
    I have it set up to split out each office group and subtotal it

    Now they also want to subtotal within each office by the new Group column.
    I can figure out how to split out the groups and to subtotal the little groups, but not how to then subtotal the whole group

    Plus they want to add a grand total at the bottom, not sure how to sum that up either.

    I'm kind of lost on how to do all these different subtotals

    Can't use a pivot table because end user has to enter some numbers manually.
    Could maybe use a pivot table, and then somehow convert it to regular worksheet?

    Any ideas, pointers, guidance, or help of any sort would be appreciated.

    Perhaps sum the whole office set and then somehow remove the little group subtotal numbers - that row will have "subtotal" in col A (has to be formulas due to manual entry)
    Last edited by ker9; 11-30-2010 at 04:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    I've used many different approaches to adding subtotals but invariably, I find the approach depends on the structure of the worksheet.

    If you can post a mock-up of your workbook with the same structure as your actual file and with the code you currently use, it'll be helpful.


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  3. #3
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    I've attached a sample workbook of the raw data and the ultimate final look
    What I need help with is getting the subtotals or running totals

    I need the subtotal of each Office and each group within each office
    Something like
    Office = first office, officetotal = 0
    group = first group, group total = 0
    then some kind of loop that checks to see if the office or the group has changed

    I've been playing with it, but just can't get it to work

    3 sheets - Data sheet is the sheet to mess around with
    RawData is the data (copy and paste over Data sheet)
    Final is what they want it to look like

    I can do the formatting, I just can't quite figure out how to get the different totals, plus 3 columns are manual entry by end user, after data is formatted, and those subtotals need formulas (not hard coded)
    Thanks in advance for any guidance!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    I see no file attached. Please try again.


  5. #5
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Sorry! The file was too large but I didn't notice the message. I had to delete some stuff to make it fit, but I think it will still be good enough to understand.
    Thank you for any assistance!
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    It would really help if I can see your existing code that you're using to manipulate the data. Otherwise, I'll need to write all the code from scratch. If you've done it already, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

    In the attached, should I assume "Data" is the result of this
    Sql query spits out data onto worksheet
    Should I assume that
    end user has to enter some numbers manually
    in "Data" and NOT in final?

    If the file is too large, zip it.


  7. #7
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Data is where the SQL statement puts the data and where the end user will eventually enter the manual numbers.

    Final was just to show what they hoped it would look like

    Nothing I've done comes close to working.

    I've just started trying to use a helper column that would indicate each office change and another helper column (N & O) to indicate each group change. Thinking to count up # of rows for each group and and create formula with that info on an inserted blank line below each group.

    If I can get that part, then the next would be to find each office change and add up the group subtotals.

    I'm a little stuck on counting up and using the row count in a formula.

    One problem is line 32, where office changes but group is same as below so I'm not finding it.

    Do you think this new idea might work?

    I can handle all the formatting, once the summing gets done.

  8. #8
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    This code tells me where things change
    Sub Grp_ChangeOfficeSignal()
    Dim r As Long
    For r = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
        If Cells(r, 3) <> Cells(r - 1, 3) Then Cells(r, 14) = "OfficeChange"
    Next r
    End Sub
    'This tells me where Group Changes
    Sub Grp_ChangeGroupSignal()
    Dim r As Long
    For r = Cells(Rows.Count, 13).End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
        If Cells(r, 13) <> Cells(r - 1, 13) Then Cells(r, 15) = "GroupChange"
    Next r
    End Sub

  9. #9
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    Bear with me while I try to get an understanding of your data.

    As I understand it, the user will make manual entries to "Data" sheet. After these manual entires are completed, then "Data" sheet will be manipulated and made to look like "Final" sheet. Is this correct?

    On "Final" sheet, what's the difference between "Group Subtotal" and "Group Total"? In your sample data, the two amounts are the same or am I missing something?

    What's the significance of "ManualNumber" on "Final Sheet"? These fields are blank (except for fill color).


  10. #10
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    Another question comes to mind. Will the user be inserting new rows or only filling in/changing data in existing rows?


  11. #11
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    This code inserts a blank line each time group (or office) changes (change column # to 3 from 13 for office)

    Sub Grp_PO_InsertBlankRows()
    'Inserts blank rows after each GROUP name changes
    Dim LR As Long, StCol As Long, Rw As Long
    StCol = 13   'The column value changes   1="A", 2="B", etc...
    LR = Cells(Rows.Count, StCol).End(xlUp).Row
        For Rw = LR To 2 Step -1
            If Cells(Rw, StCol) <> Cells(Rw - 1, StCol) Then
                Rows(Rw).Resize(1).Insert xlShiftUp
            End If
        Next Rw
    End Sub

  12. #12
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi, please ask all the questions you want - I'm so glad to have you helping!
    The formatting, summing, inserting of rows, etc. should happen before the user sees the data so they see final product.

    User will not enter rows, only data. User has option to enter data in columns I, J, L and also in the row labeled Manual Number (which would be instead of entering by client above in I, J, L). So Group Total would add in that manual number if used, otherwise, it will be same as subtotal.

    All other columns/rows/cells will be locked.

    If you could just help me figure out how to sum the groups and then how to sum the offices, I think I can get in all the other formatting, extra rows, etc. I'm just totally stuck on getting the subtotals of each group, each office and then a grand total at the bottom.
    Thank you VERY MUCH!

  13. #13
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Ker9

    I think I understand. So the user will make changes to "Final" sheet.

    What does your SQL code look like?
    Where does it reside?
    Is "Data" sheet reused or is a new "Data" sheet created each time the SQL is run?

    I'm certainly not expert on SQL code but I'd like to look at what you're using. It seems to me that if you want the user to see the final product, the data manipulation will need to be married to the SQL code.

    I'll work on the data manipulation as a stand alone for the moment so as to get some ideas on an approach.

    Let me play with it for a while.


  14. #14
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi, John,

    No, Final was just to show what it might look like in the end. Final won't really exist at all.

    Everything happens on Data.

    There is a command button that user clicks to retrieve the data. The SQL code pulls the data onto the Data worksheet, just like you see it in my sample. Then it gets manipulated from there.


  15. #15
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Karin

    I understand. For purposes of testing, "Final" will exist. The code will be changed to manipulate "Data" directly when all is working as you require.

    But, to follow up..."Data" IS reused?


  16. #16
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    They will re-run this every month. Data sheet will be completely cleared, the query run again, the formatting all re-done (as there may be more or less data than prior month). It will format automatically by calling any subroutines setup for formatting/subtotaling, etc. before user sees anything.

    Code should be made to work on Data as Final will never really exist. We just hope Data will look like Final (approximately) when all coding is done.

    I can do all the formatting, I just can't figure out how to get subtotals formulas.

    If you can help me get a line after each group labeled Group Subtotal and the (dyanmic) formulas on it, and then a line after each Office, labeled Office Subtotals with (dynamic) formulas and, hopefully, a line at the end labeled Grand Totals with dynamic totals (total of each office subtotal), that would be awesome.

    Using helper columns, or whatever it takes to get there. I've been struggling with this for 4 days.

    Thank you!

  17. #17
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    I did finally get this to work - find the change and sums up

    Dim rFind As Range, sAddr As String
    With Sheets("Data").UsedRange.Columns(15)
        Set rFind = .Find(What:="GroupChange", LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
        If Not rFind Is Nothing Then
            sAddr = rFind.Address
                    rFind.Offset(-1, -9).Formula = "=SUM(" & rFind.Offset(-2, -9).Address(0, 0) & ":" & rFind.Offset(-2, -9).End(xlUp).Address(0, 0) & ")"
                 Set rFind = .FindNext(rFind)
             Loop While rFind.Address <> sAddr
        End If
    End With
    End Sub

  18. #18
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Karin

    I think we can get this to work to satisfy your needs. I'll work on it.


  19. #19
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi, John,
    Do you mean that Data sheet or the Data itself? (A bit confusing)
    If you mean the actual data (not sheet), I'm not sure what you mean by reused.

    Also, I've gotten a little further than I ever have before. I'd like to attach it but it's larger than I'm allowed. Is there any way around that?

  20. #20
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    I removed the final sheet to shrink size of file.
    Run the subs in order and you'll see where I'm at.

    I think I don't have a clue how to subtotal the offices from that point.

    Perhaps this is not the best way to handle this, but...


    I'll be back tomorrow, I have to go now
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  21. #21
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Karin

    Regarding this
    Do you mean that Data sheet or the Data itself?
    I meant Data Sheet; I'd assume Data Sheet is cleared of all contents then new SQL data written to it for each new SQL import of data. But, I don't know that.

    Regarding this
    Also, I've gotten a little further than I ever have before. I'd like to attach it but it's larger than I'm allowed. Is there any way around that?
    Create a zip file to reduce the size of the file then post the zip file. On my end, I'll unzip the file and can work with your complete workbook.

    By the way, you're profile shows Excel 2007. Does this need to run JUST in Excel 2007 or does it need to run in earlier versions?

    I've some ideas to resolve your issue.


  22. #22
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi Karin

    Working on it. I've Children and Grandchildren coming in tomorrow so Holiday issues may interfere for a short while.

    Get back to you ASAP.


  23. #23
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Hi, John,

    I meant Data Sheet; I'd assume Data Sheet is cleared of all contents then new SQL data written to it for each new SQL import of data. But, I don't know that.
    Yes, data sheet is completely cleared when it's re-run.

    By the way, you're profile shows Excel 2007. Does this need to run JUST in Excel 2007 or does it need to run in earlier versions?
    It has to run on 2003, nothing earlier.

    Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

    Thank you for any assistance!


  24. #24
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    Re: Multiple Subtotaling (Subtotal the subtotals and grand total it all)

    Please see this link - it's interesting code and it works, but I'm not sure how I might translate it to fix my problem

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