Hi all,

I'm pretty new to macros and whilst I've had some wins so far, I've hit a brick wall and was hoping someone could translate my logic into a working macro or at least point me in the right direction.

I have a sheet with several columns, grouped in pairs. What I want to do is sort each pair by the values in the second column.

The columns look something like this:

| A | B | C | D |
| Item1 | Val_1 | Item2 | Val_2 |
| foo | 26 | foo | 3 |
| bar | 12 | bar | 9 |

The pseudocode I've come up with looks like this:

columnOne = A
columnTwo = B

WHILE there's still columns with values in them

sort (columnOne:columnTwo) by columnTwo descending with headers
columnOne+= 2 // i.e. offset 2 columns to the right C, E, H
columnTwo+= 2 // i.e. D, F, G


I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this.

Thanks in advance,