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Convert string to range

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    Convert string to range

    Hi all!
    I'm am very new to vba programming and have limited knowledge of excel, which is not a good combination.. =) Anyway, i'm trying to make a chart using a selection of cells. I loop the sheet and add each cell address i want (i'm looking for cells containing a specific word, then grabbing the address of the adjacent cell that contains a number). So i have a string (tmpFull) that looks like this, only longer. Each of these cells contain a number.


    I then need to assign this to my chart, so i "convert" the string to a range, or at least i'm trying to, using

    Dim FullRng As Range
    FullRng = tmpFull
    And then add it to my chart (FullDatesRng made the same way)

    With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        .Name = "Test"
        .Values = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range(FullRng)
        .XValues = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range(FullDatesRng)
    End With
    But no matter what i do, i end up with a 1004 error. I have tried building the string with different formats like B10,B11 or "B10,B11" and so on in different combinations but nothing works. Hoping for a pointer to what i'm doing wrong here.

    Last edited by DonkeyOte; 12-17-2010 at 09:11 AM.

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