I am trying to populate a quote log based on one cell entry. The cell that would have the entry would be a file name such as 12345 (without directory, path, and file type).
Currently, my worksheet is set up so that column A would have my file name and the remaining columns contain information "collected" for specific cells in the file referenced by column A. Those items are things such as a date, customer name, etc...
I need this link to update whether the files are opened or not. Here is what I thought would be my link... ='\\myserver\myshare\TRI["A2"]&.xls&quote'!B5. This gives me a #ref. Please help.

The actual name of the file contains the TRI but only the numbers would be entered into the spreadsheet for a reference to the file name. I have a working hyperlink that takes me to the document using the cell entry. I just cannot get any values from the linked document like I want.

I need this becuase my supervisor is always creating quotes and does not want to take the time to enter all of the information in a log. If he enters the quote number at least, I am hoping to have the rest done automatically.