Hi all. I have a lot of textboxes on a userform and I would like to Select All text in a textbox when a user enters a textbox. I can already do this when they 'tab' into a textbox, but when they click...I seem to be having problems selecting all text. Finally, I've gotten it to work by using this:

Private Sub TextBox1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

   With Me.TextBox1
        .SelStart = 0
        .SelLength = Len(.Value)
End With

End Sub
If I use the "Enter()" event, it won't work. Why is that? Everywhere I search on this forum and Google...I see people using "Enter()" event.

Also, is there a way I can tell every textbox on my userform to do this? So everytime SetFocus is on a textbox, it should call a procedure that'll highlight all text? Just to make my code more organized and nicer I guess, instead of me going and copy-pasting this same above code into every textbox sub.

Any help/insight into this would be very helpful. Thanks all!