
I have a column of data (accounts) that at times can be very long. If the amount in the (account) column is a certain value [1520], there must be data in a nearby column (project), unless it is in a certain (group).

Easyist put:
Account 1520 is what the search is for. If it find thats, then it needs to look at the project cell and see if there is any data. The project cell can be left blank only if on the same row, the column named (groups) contains either 1,2,3,4,5 nothing else.

If it is not 1-5 it can not be blank in the project column.

If there is an error where the 1520 is found, and the project is blank and it shouldnt be, I want a popup alert.

I imagine this could be done with a simple if then, however the file is a template that users fill in and mail to me, therefore changing rows and columns isnt an option, as it might also currupt the upload into the data system.

Anyone have ideas? Does this make sense?