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Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    I've searched far and wide but not finding any VBA that meets my requirements, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I need to go through all rows and compare rows that all have the same value in one column (Number col in the e.g. below) but delete the rows with date outside of the next 30 days (Date col in the eg below).

    Hope I haven't confused you but here is an example to demonstrate the above:

    ID Date Number Name
    1 13-Mar 16 Dan <------- Keep this row
    2 15-May 16 Eric <------- Delete this row
    3 3-Feb 16 Kevin <------- Delete this row
    4 30-Apr 13 Mike
    5 4-Feb 13 John

    Appreciation in advance.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Hi Chris,

    When you say "next 30 days", is that from today or from the first date found or from the maximum date for the number in a row. I also have some trouble with the words of "outside of". Was that forwards and backwards from or only in the past or the future?

    The first part of doing these problems in to understand what you are asking.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Understood, sorry I wasn't clear.

    The criteria to delete a row would be:

    dateincell < Date or dateincell > Date + 30

    so less before today or later than 30 days from now.

    Hope this provides clarity.



  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Hi Chris,
    I must not understand english. I'm still confused.
    Let me see if this is what you are saying.
    You want to delete all rows where the date field is less than today or greater than today plus 30. Is that correct?

    Now what does this have to do with the number field?

  5. #5
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    That's correct.

    Now multiple rows can have the same number in col A but with different dates in col B.

    Number Date
    1 3/31
    1 4/15
    1 6/30

    I just want to be left with one row for each number, and that row should be the one with a date 'within' the next 30 days. So using the example above I would be left with:

    Number Date
    1 4/15

    The only caveat is - if there is only one row with Number 2 in col A then leave it alone no matter what date is in col B for that row.

    Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your patience.

  6. #6
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    I've come up with this so far, however:

    - It compares col B of 2nd row with col B of 1st row to find duplicates
    - Then if its a dupe will delete the 2nd row if it meets the date criteria in col A (< today or > 30 days from now)
    - So when it removes the dupes no matter the date in the first row it will never delete it because it doesn't pass the first if statement, which compares the values in Col B. Damn I hope I'm making some sense here :
    Sub DeleteDupes()
    Dim Iloop As Integer
    Dim Numrows As Integer

    'Turn off warnings, etc.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Numrows = Range("A20").End(xlUp).Row
    Range("A1:B" & Numrows).Select
    For Iloop = Numrows To 2 Step -1
    'If value in col B of 2nd row is = value in col B of 1st row
    If Cells(Iloop, "B") = Cells(Iloop - 1, "B") Then
    'If value (date) in col A of 2nd row is < today or > 30 days from now
    If Cells(Iloop, "A") < Date Or Cells(Iloop, "A") > Date + 30 Then
    'Delete 2nd row
    End If
    End If
    Next Iloop

    'Turn on warnings, etc.
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

  7. #7
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    The only caveat is - if there is only one row with Number 2 in col A then leave it alone no matter what date is in col B for that row.
    Now I'm really confused .. your orginal example had a "2" in the first column and you indicated to delete it. Also do you litterally mean "2" or do you mean any record with a unique value in Column A ?

  8. #8
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Hi Chris,

    Here is my plan,

    1. Sort your data by Number and then Date in the table
    2. Run down the table and delete all rows that don't meet the date criteria
    3. Because they are sorted by Number run down the row and delete the row if the number is the same as the Number above.

    I ran out of time on this one and will tackel it tomorrow if you respond.

  9. #9
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Having implemented a similar workaround the macro takes forever given the number of rows of data I have.

    Based on all the data sorted by Date:Ascending...

    Is there a way I can select all rows that contain a date < today and then just clear the contents of those rows?

    That will do the job nicely, just looking for the fastest and most efficient method of doing this as opposed to looping through every line comparing the date and then clearing the contents of that row, which takes forever.

  10. #10
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    ...and not to confuse things any further , disregard any of my requirements outlined in the thread above.

    All I need to wrap this up:

    After filtering all rows by date, is there a way I can select all the rows that contain a date < today and then just clear the contents of those rows?

    Thanks, nearly resolved

  11. #11
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Hi Chris,

    If you really wanted fast then a macro that looks at each row isn't the way to do this. Excel worksheet functions are MUCH faster than VBA macros.

    My first attempt to solve this went to an Advanced Filter that filtered out the dates and was building a second to filter out duplicate numbers. Then I realized you need 2003 answer instead of 2007 or 2010 that has a delete duplicate feature built in. I gave up on this thinking you wanted a VBA code answer and ran out of time.

    I've built a sample spreadsheet and will go back to advanced filters and delete duplicates. Give you an answer in about a half hour. BTW - It is much easier to work with a sample from you than build my own. My format may look nothing like yours and may miss your concept completely. The reason for this scolding is, if you really want an answer you should always supply a sample workbook.

  12. #12
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Ok Chris,

    Here is the answer - with example. I suggest in my signature line that one test is worth 1000 opinions.

    In my sample I firtst sort by Number and then Date and then do an advanced filter to remove all rows that are less than today and greater than 30 days from today. Then using this filtered list, I do a unique filter in place using the Number field. This gives the list you want and I believe it should happen almost instantly.

    I then take this double filtered list and copy and paste it to column K. You can move it where you want.
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  13. #13
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    Re: Macro to delete duplicates based on condition

    Thank you Sir, that did the job nicely.

    I appreciate your time and effort.

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