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Loops using multiple variables

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  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    swindon, england
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    Excel 2010

    Smile Loops using multiple variables


    I am trying to create a macro which does mutiple things and i am having trouble with it and i was wondering if anyone can help me?

    I have currently got a the macro in the notepad document i have attachted.

    However i need to change this so instead of looping for that strFile variable it loops through the following file names:

    Graphing_MTH_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv
    Graphing_MTH_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv
    Graphing_YTD_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv
    Graphing_YTD_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv
    Graphing_R12_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv
    Graphing_R12_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv

    But i also need to change it so instead of just pasting it into the MTH sheet it pastes it in different sheets depending on the file name. So:
    • If the filename is Graphing_MTH_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in MTH
    • If the filename is Graphing_MTH_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in MTHPrevious
    • If the filename is Graphing_YTD_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in YTD
    • If the filename is Graphing_YTD_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in YTDPrevious
    • If the filename is Graphing_R12_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in R12
    • If the filename is Graphing_R12_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.csv it pastes the data in R12Previous

    I hope this makes sense. I am having really trouble with this as i have got it to loop through the strFldr and lookup strFile and copy and paste the correct data into the MTH tab but i can not work out how to get it to loop through multiple factors. I have thought about using select case statements and loops within loops but i am not sure how either of them work.

    Can anyone help me?


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    Last edited by jeskit; 04-11-2011 at 05:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Smile Re: Loops using multiple variables


    I have re-done my macro using a select case statements and i have got it to work to a degree. It works and runs without error except it either does not find the files or is skipping the case statements but i unsure of which. I am not very good with select case statements so i have most likly written it wrong but i am not sure.

    Option Explicit

    Sub AverageGraph()
    Dim i As String
    Dim l As String
    Dim wbCsv As Workbook
    Dim wsMyCsvSheet As Worksheet
    Dim lNextrow As Long
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim strFile1 As String
    Dim strFile2 As String
    Dim strFile3 As String
    Dim strFile4 As String
    Dim strFile5 As String
    Dim strFldr As String

    i = Range("B7").Value
    l = Range("B8").Value

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Application.Workbooks.Open "C:\Documents and Settings\SeymourJ\Desktop\GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx"

    Application.Workbooks.Open "C:\Documents and Settings\SeymourJ\Desktop\Actual_Participation_02_2011.xls"

    Workbooks("Actual_Participation_02_2011.xls").Sheets(1).Range("A2:A1000").Copy Destination:=Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("Graphing").Range("B3")



    Range("B6").Value = i
    Range("B7").Value = l

    strFldr = "C:\Documents and Settings\SeymourJ\My Documents\Tasks"

    strFile = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_MTH_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.CSV")
    strFile1 = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_MTH_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.CSV")
    strFile2 = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_YTD_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.CSV")
    strFile3 = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_YTD_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.CSV")
    strFile4 = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_R12_Actual_Curr_Year" & "*.CSV")
    strFile5 = Dir(strFldr & "Graphing_R12_Actual_Prev_Year" & "*.CSV")

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    lNextrow = 2

    Select Case ActiveCell.Value

    Case 1
    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("MTH")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("MTH").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile
    Loop Until Len(strFile) = 0

    Case 2
    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile1)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("MTHPrevious")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("MTHPrevious").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile1 = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile1
    Loop Until Len(strFile1) = 0

    Case 3

    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile2)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("YTD")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("YTD").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile2 = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile2
    Loop Until Len(strFile2) = 0

    Case 4

    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile3)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("YTDPrevious")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("YTDPrevious").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile3 = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile3
    Loop Until Len(strFile3) = 0

    Case 5

    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile4)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("R12")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("R12").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile4 = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile4
    Loop Until Len(strFile4) = 0

    Case 6

    Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & "\" & strFile5)
    Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
    With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("R12Previous")
    Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xlsx").Sheets("R12Previous").Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial

    End With
    lNextrow = lNextrow + 14

    'close it

    'go to next file
    strFile5 = Dir
    Application.StatusBar = strFile5
    Loop Until Len(strFile5) = 0

    End Select

    End Sub

    Does anyone know why it is not finding the files or skipping the select case statement?

    Thank you


  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Loops using multiple variables

    I'd do something like this, far simpler, use 2 arrays and a loop to process each pair:
    Sub main()
        Dim Graphs, Sheets, n
        'Do stuff to open workbooks etc.
        Graphs = Array("Graphing_MTH_Actual_Curr_Year", "Graphing_MTH_Actual_Prev_Year", "Graphing_YTD_Actual_Curr_Year", _
                        "Graphing_YTD_Actual_Prev_Year", "Graphing_R12_Actual_Curr_Year", "Graphing_R12_Actual_Prev_Year")
        Sheets = Array("MTH", "MTHPrevious", "YTD", "YTDPrevious", "R12", "R12Previous")
        For n = 1 To 6
            Average_Graph CStr(Graphs(n - 1)), CStr(Sheets(n - 1))
        Next n
    End Sub
    Sub Average_Graph(strGraphName As String, strSheetName As String)
        Dim wbCsv As Workbook
        Dim wsMyCsvSheet As Worksheet
        Dim lNextrow As Long
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim strFldr As String
        strFldr = "C:\Documents and Settings\SeymourJ\My Documents\Tasks\"
        strFile = Dir(strFldr & strGraphName & "*.csv")
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        lNextrow = 2
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        If Len(strFile) > 0 Then        'process a file
                Set wbCsv = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFldr & strFile)
                Set wsMyCsvSheet = wbCsv.Sheets(1)
                With Workbooks("GraphingChartTemplate.xls").Sheets(strSheetName)
                    .Cells(lNextrow, 2).PasteSpecial
                End With
                lNextrow = lNextrow + 14
                strFile = Dir           'get next file
                Application.StatusBar = strFile
            Loop Until Len(strFile) = 0
        End If
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    Last edited by T-J; 04-17-2011 at 06:09 AM.

  4. #4
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