I've created a spreadsheet that has the months listed going down the page with entries in each month:

Entry 1 - 01/05/2011 01/06/2011 Blah
Entry 2 - 01/08/2011 01/08/2011 Blah

Entry 1 - 02/07/2011 02/07/2011 Blah
Entry 2 - 02/22/2011 02/26/2011 Blah

Entry 1 - 03/06/2011 03/06/2011 Blah
Entry 2 - 03/11/2011 03/12/2011 Blah
Entry 3 - 03/21/2011 03/22/2011 Blah

What I'm trying to do is create a macro that, when ran, will prompt the user for a date for their entry. If they put in 03/15/2011 as their start date, I want a line to be inserted after Entry 2 in March. One way I thought of to do this would be to code the macro such that if they put in 03 as the month, a find runs on March, puts the new line in, with the other user data for that entry (also from prompts), and then sorts the March entries somehow. Is there an easier way to do this? And I'm not exactly sure how to make a starting date of 03/xx/xx search excel for March. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
