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Dynamic Range Help

  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Dynamic Range Help

    To all Excel experts,

    I have a file here that I've been trying to do the total counts based on 2 criterias, namely number and month. To be more clearer, I have attached a file.

    The goal is simple, yet, I can't achieve it. On Sheet1 where all datas are gathered, I would like to create a cumulative frequencies distribution, but it has to meet the 2 criterias, which is on "Dynamic Frequencies Sheet".

    Thus, taking number 15 for example, it should have given me an answer of 3 on cell B16 & C16 (number 15 appears 3 times on the month of January and February from Sheet1) on Dynamic Frequencies Sheet, 2 on cell D16 and E16 (number 15 appears twice on the month of March and April).

    I believe the attached file explains it clearly. Also, taking this opportunity, thank you in advanced for helping me out.
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    Last edited by dluhut; 05-12-2011 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Range Help

    Here's one way

    In B2
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    Drag/Fill Down to Row 50 Then across to Column M

    Any month that is not in your sheet "Sheet1" will return #N/A, you could if you want suppress this error with this IF statement in B2
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    Hope this helps.

    There is probably a better way using SUMPRODUCT, or dynamic named ranges, I just can't get my head around them at the moment!
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    Last edited by Marcol; 05-12-2011 at 02:26 PM. Reason: Oops! Corrected wrong Post. This one is now reinstated
    If you need any more information, please feel free to ask.

    However,If this takes care of your needs, please select Thread Tools from menu above and set this topic to SOLVED. It helps everybody! ....

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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Dynamic Range Help

    That's perfect Marcol! Exactly what I wanted.

    I've tried Sumproducts too, but it's not working, that's why I decided to post them up here.

    Are you going to try with different methods? If not, then I'm going to make this as solved.

    Also, please check if your reputation has increased, as I'll be adding mine to yours after I've post this reply.

    Once again, thank you!

  4. #4
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Range Help

    Here's a way to use dynamic named ranges.

    1/. Create a dynamic named range for each Month
    Name:= Jan
    Refers to:=
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    2/. In Sheet "Dynamic Frequencies" B2
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    Drag/Fill Down to Row 50.

    3/. Unfortunately INDIRECT() doesn't like refering to dynamic named ranges so we can't drag this across by using INDIRECT(B$1) in place of Jan in step 2, so each month column has to be separately entered.
    To do this Drag B2 across to C2 then in C2 change Jan to Feb (2 places) then double click the Fill Handle (the small square bottom right of the highlighted cell C2), this will fill down to row 50 as defined by Column B.

    Repeat this for all the months.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the Rep+

    Don't know if I will have time to crack the SUMPRODUCT solution tonight, my brain's fried, and the Pub beacons.... .... .... might just give me in"spirit"ation!!!
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