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Formula to find first value that is NON-ZERO with a VLOOKUP

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    Formula to find first value that is NON-ZERO with a VLOOKUP


    I am looking for help with a formula in the attached sample data spreadsheet. To describe it, basically I have a data set with a bunch of order numbers in column A and their values going out by date in columns B through whatever depending on the date. In the other sheet I have a list of Order numbers and am trying to write a formula to return the first value for that order that is not zero.

    Here is my current formula, which does not work.

    Unfortunatley, the way the data is maintained, I cannot get the list of orders in the WORKSHEET tab to be in the same order as the DATA tab, so a formula around this problem would be a great help.

    Many thanks in advance for your help!!!
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    Last edited by NBVC; 06-09-2011 at 09:56 AM.

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