Hi. I have a dedicated button on my main data sheet which protects and unprotects it (password protected) when it is unprotected it only allows the user to input in a given range, so other codes are not deleted.

I am wondering if someone with more knowledge than me (not hard) can help with a little task. The following code works great but I would like the user to have 3 attempts at inputting the password before the workbook closes itself.

is it possible to display a message after each attempt, say "Wrong password, Please try again" or something?

Any help will be much appreciated


code is as follows

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'Command button to protect & unprotect sheet.
On Error Resume Next
Const PW As String = "2001" 'to change the PW
If CommandButton3.Caption = "Protect Sheet" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect PW
ActiveSheet.Protect PW
CommandButton3.Caption = "Unprotect Sheet"
Else: CommandButton3.Caption = "Unprotect Sheet"
CommandButton3.Caption = "Protect Sheet"
ActiveSheet.Protection.AllowEditRanges.Add Title:="Range1", Range:=Range("B4:L55")
End If
End Sub