Hi folks,

Working with Excel 2003 and 2007 on a Windows 7, 64 Bit OS.

I've written a help system for my Excel based application - a series of selectable texts are presented in a textbox in a small form. I want to have the help form stay in front of my 'Switchboard' form while the user works through the demonstration notes.

I've been trying API calls that I've found on the net and calling them from the Help form Activate event.

Here's one I tried: http://tinyurl.com/6edusbo

Nothing I've tried works. I've had this work in VB projects in the past, but cannot get VBA to do the same.

Any ideas?

PS. Just noticed that Excels own Help panels don't stay in the foreground if I click on the work area underneath - should they? If so, maybe it's a problem local to my setup.

Thanks for any suggestions given.