
Im hoping someone can help.

I have the following code, however, I am getting an unexpected result.

FullDate is coming in as a string value of 40716.
When converted using the CDate function it is correctly showing as 22nd June 2011.

However, the problem seems to be with strDateMonth. This is showing as Jan rather than June when going through the format?

Can anyone help?

Seems bizarre.

Public Sub SplitDate(FullDate As String)

If FullDate = "" Then

    strDateDay = ""
    strDateMonth = ""
    strDateYear = ""


    strDateDay = DatePart("d", CDate(FullDate))
    strDateMonth = Format(DatePart("m", CDate(FullDate)), "MMM")
    strDateYear = DatePart("yyyy", CDate(FullDate))

End If

End Sub