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Return List by 2 separate variables

  1. #1
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    Return List by 2 separate variables


    I've often used this forum and found answers to my questions (either direct or ones I can modify to my purpose) but I've not found an answer to this, but perhaps I can't describe it correctly in search terms:

    firstly I am creating an entirely new sheet (tool) for our operators to use, so the way I have it now can change if it makes a solution easier?

    I have a sheet for them to enter the configuration of the unit. They will enter:

    Cassette Serial number
    Cassette Dash Number
    Cassette Revision

    The dash number and revision will determine the modifications required to the unit (This is what I want outputted "automatically")

    If you look at the CCP tab you will see the change documents; So for e.g. a -00 AD CCP will need more changes (modifications) than a -01 AB CCP and in the configurator tab I would like it to populate a "Mods" cell t say which are required, dependant on user input?

    Does this make sense?

    I had thought about using a nested if statement but the number of variables would make it almost impossible to control. Especially if I want to update it with a future build standard at a later date.

    Can anyone help? It might be something really easy that I am over looking!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Return List by 2 separate variables

    Please update your sample sheet and manually fill in your desired results on enough rows of the Configurator sheet as to properly demonstrate all the hurdles to overcome. That should make it easy for us to see your end goal accurately and get it right the first time.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Return List by 2 separate variables


    Perhaps a picture will describe what I want to do better:

    The operator will enter:

    It will then reference the relevant tab (dependant on which cassette it is)

    And return the modifications required:



  4. #4
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    Re: Return List by 2 separate variables

    Actually as I was doing the flow in my head I've thought of a possible solution:

    If I concatenate the Revision and dash number into another cell and in the modifications cell I do a lookup on the concatenated cell and return the required mods.

    For this to work I'll need to edit the CCP tab a little
    Last edited by AdrianGail; 07-12-2011 at 10:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Return List by 2 separate variables

    Sounds like a great method.

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