I have a bunch of individual products listed on each row in excel sheet and I want to automate the creation of bundled products.
So I have a column called "collection" and I want for each individual collection (ie collection_name1, collection_name2, etc) to return a specific set of products (ie product1, product2)

For return

Collection1, product1
Collection1, product2

Collection2, product1
Collection2, product2

Collection being dynamic based on all unique values in a column and product being a predefined combination

The next progression would be to keep those filtered products in arrays so that I could lookup the data in the same row and combine them. Or if there is another better way in excel to do this.

ie sum of price (Collection1, product1 and collection1 product2)*.90
ie name of product is (Collection1, product1 and collection1 product2) + "COMBO" or something to that affect

Create New Row = NEW COMBO PRODUCT = Collection1,Product1 + Collection1,Product2