
Newbie Here and Novice to VBA -- I know just enough to be Dangerous.

I have a working excel macro that copies cell "Z" in the Active Row and places text from it into the Active Word Document at the position of the Cursor.

I could really use some help to add a Second Copy and paste to my Macro. This one involves the data in the Same Active Excel Row - Cell "S" being Copied to a "specific" Location in the same word document.

The Specific Location in the Word Document can best be positively identified by " the First Line after the first occurrence in the word document of more that 10 -'s"


X being the place the paste needs to be applied.

There may be several other ways to specify the position. But, I believe this to be the most constant locator.
I thought about using some form of offset command but inconsistent amounts of text already in the Document leaves variance to the position of the cursor relative to the place I need Cell S placed. ( Its not always in the same Line Number dependent on size of address and other text above it )

Thinking that a Loop from the top of the Document that finds >10 -'s + 1 line will be the most constant but don't know how to implement it.

Will the text is Cell "S" have to be defined as another object ?

Here is my working Excel Macro that pastes Cell Z into the Document at the position of the cursor.

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Here is an Example of Text in my Word Doc -- Number of lines in address can vary as well as the lines of info in the description. You can see the first line with > 10 --------'s about half way down -- its position may vary but it is in every document.


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Buyer Name: Baland Colagete

Item: Jungle Lady [Import] Oates, Titus
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Its about 3 AM here -- Off to bed but will return to computer in 7 hours or so.

I really appreciate your time to look . I will be happy to provide any other info that I can to help. Any Explanation you can give with your ideas is much appreciated. Trying to learn as much as I can about this.
