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Problem with IF functions in multiple string.

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    Problem with IF functions in multiple string.

    I have been playing with IF functions and AND fuctions but can't get this right. This is a spreadsheet to tract bills and loans with my roommate. Yes I know there are free internet services, but none allow the bill to be unpaid.

    A, B, C, D, E, F G H
    Catagory/Dropdown Amount Equal or Unequal Party,Dropdown, Neil% Chris% N C

    Column A: has dropdown feature allowing you to choose "expense", "Loan" "Bill" or "Payment"

    Column B; Is amount of transaction

    Column C: Is whether the transaction is applied equally to the parties or unequally.

    Column D; This is a dropdown to choose the party, "Chris", "Neil", "both'.

    Column E; Percentage owed/paid by Neil

    Column F: Percentage owed/paid by Neil

    Column G; Neil's running balance

    Column H: Chris Running balance

    Formulas and functions. Here is as far as I could get. =IF(A1="expense",b1*50%,b1*E1) I put this in Columns/row G1 and H1. But I need it to be dependent on multiple criteria.

    Solve for G1 or H1: If A1="expense" then based on D1 choose either G1 or H1 to display the following result. B1*50% if C1 is "Equal" or B1*E1 for Neil and B1*F1 for Chris

    Solve for G1 or H1: If A1="Loan" then based on D1 choose either G1 or H1 to display the following result. B1*E1 or F1% if C1 is "Equal" or B1*E1 for Chris and B1*F1 for Neil.

    Solve for E1 or F1: If A1="Payment" then based on D1 choose either G1 or H1 to display the following result. B1*E1 or F1% if C1 is "Equal" or B1*E1 for Chris and B1*F1 for Neil.
    You can also figure D1 in this instead of having two percentage columns.

    Solve for G1 or H1: If A1="Bill" then based on D1 choose either G1 or H1 to display the following result. B1*E1 or F1% if C1 is "Equal" or B1*E1 for Chris and B1*F1 for Neil. I think bill and expense do the same thing, disregard bill.
    Last edited by Neilsen69; 08-02-2011 at 02:34 PM.

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