Goodmorning...I have a workbook containing several hundred worksheets, each worksheet has a large amount of information about a particular vehicle. I would like to produce an individual report only taking specific information for that vehicle and placing it on a template. For example ....worksheet number 25 selected and now active, I then need a macro which will take the contents from worksheet 25 cell numbers c5, c10, c15 and place it on a template at d20, d25 and d30, print the template (print area A1 to J25) and then return back to the original active worksheet number 25. The important point being whichever worksheet I select, when the macro is run it takes the information from that sheet. The template being just a seperate worksheet in the same workbook called "museum". My macro programming knowledge is very limited so if somebody could point me in the right direction with this I would be very grateful...thanks in advanced.