Hello everyone,

I am relatively new to Macro, so rather from writing it, I use Macro recording.

Below are my copied code:

Columns("L:O").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range("U1:U2"),
CopyToRange:=Range("V1"), Unique:=False

Range("W1:W99436").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Range( _
"AA1"), Unique:=True

After pressing the hot key, the first Autofilter works. It is based on L M N O columns and gereate 4 new columns, V W X Y.

2nd filter will based on column w and generate into a new column, AA.

However, at AA column, it only generates header (the column title) but no data. When I do it manually, there are header as well as filtered data.

Does anyone catch any mistake in the code? I tried many times but it only generate the header of Column w.

If you can offer me a hand, that would be perfect.

Thanks so much,
