So I am having a weird issue with saving to our sharepoint internal website. I have a Public Constant that keep the location of the folder to save about 10 files to. I then have the macro open specific file and save it to this constant with a different name for each file. So 8 or so out of the 10 save the file so the Month, and Year custom fields in sharepoint are blank which is what is desired. The other 2 or 3 save it to a random month and year. Everything is the same on these except the filename.xls part. Please help I'm at a loss on what is going on here.
Here is a sample portion of the code.

Public Constant FINANCIALSPATH""

Application.StatusBar = "Saving retail P&L's"
Sheets(Array("TABLES", "RETAIL")).Visible = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=PORTALFOLDER & "Retail PL " & YearPeriod & ".xls"