If I add End If I get a 'End if without block if' error. If I remove the End If I get 'Block If without End If'. Can anyone tell me how to end this please?

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()

    If Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then    'not selected
        MsgBox " No selection made"
    If Me.ListBox1.ListIndex >= 1 Then    'User has selected
        r = Me.ListBox1.ListIndex

        With Me
            Set c = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
            .TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.List(r, 0)
            .TextBox2.Value = ListBox1.List(r, 1)
            .TextBox3.Value = ListBox1.List(r, 2)
            .TextBox4.Value = ListBox1.List(r, 3)
            .cmbAmend.Enabled = True      'allow amendment or
            .cmbDelete.Enabled = True     'allow record deletion
            .cmbAdd.Enabled = False       'don't want duplicate
            If c.Offset(0, 4).Value = "1.ABYLT" Then Me.CheckBox1.Value = True
            If c.Offset(0, 4).Value = "" Then Me.CheckBox1.Value = False
            If c.Offset(0, 5).Value = "2.ABRAYLT" Then Me.CheckBox2.Value = True
            If c.Offset(0, 5).Value = "" Then Me.CheckBox2.Value = False
            If c.Offset(0, 6).Value = "3.ABWTT" Then Me.CheckBox3.Value = True
            If c.Offset(0, 6).Value = "" Then Me.CheckBox3.Value = False
        End With
    End If
End Sub