
I found shg's code and I am trying to adapt it to my workbook.

Each workbook has a sheet named "Cover" and another labelled "TOC" and the other sheets have a mix of numbers and letters ("4500181 sn1", "4500181 sn2", "4500183", etc.).

I want to leave the "Cover" and "TOC" and then sort the other sheets that have number (or number/letter) names.

Here's the code I am working with:

Sub SortSheets(Optional wkb As Workbook = Nothing, _
             Optional ByVal iBeg As Long = 1, _
             Optional ByVal iEnd As Long = 2147483647)
  ' shg 2009-09
  ' Insertion-sorts sheets from iBeg to iEnd

  Dim i           As Long
  Dim j           As Long

  If wkb Is Nothing Then Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook

  With wkb
      If iBeg < 1 Then iBeg = 1
      If iEnd > .Sheets.Count Then iEnd = .Sheets.Count

      For i = iBeg + 1 To iEnd
          For j = iBeg To i - 1
          If Sheets(i).Name = "Cover" Then
          ' do nothing
              If StrComp(.Sheets(i).Name, .Sheets(j).Name, vbTextCompare) <> 1 Then
                  .Sheets(i).Move Before:=.Sheets(j)
                  Exit For
              End If
              End If
          Next j
      Next i
  End With
End Sub
Anyone have any ideas?

