Hi All,

Sorry to post with no written code as yet for a starting point, but am a bit stuck with this one.

I have a database which records sick leave per month. Names down column B, months across row 2.
I have a second template form which records each individual incidence of sick leave.

Once this form is emailed to our secretary by the appropriate manager, I want her to be able to run a macro which pulls the number of days taken from the first sheet, into the corresponding cell in the database, so essentially looking at the name and the month to navigate to the correct cell. It then needs to add the number to any number that may be there already.

Is this even possible?

I have come up with a formula which identifies the cell to be navigated to based on the month and name, but am not sure if this is the best route, or how I would link this in with any code.

=CELL("address",INDEX('[Sickess Dbase 2011.xls]2011'!$B$1:$P$39,MATCH(D5,'[Sickess Dbase 2011.xls]2011'!$B$1:$B$39,0),MATCH(F8,'[Sickess Dbase 2011.xls]2011'!$B$2:$P$2,0)))
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to whether this is possible, or how I can progress with this.
