
Whilst I'm fairly comfortable with formulas I am incredibly new to VBA, so I apologize if this topic has been covered previously and would really appreciate a nudge in the right direction.

I have 2 workbooks, one which generates a report which I then copy into a second workbook. I use the second workbook throughout the week, adding notes etc. which need to be imported to workbook1 for the next report, to ensure notes are up to date.

What I'm looking for is a macro that will compare Column A in Workbook1!Sheet1 to Column B in Workbook2!Sheet1, and then add any differing values to Workbook1!Sheet1. Currently I do this by hand, copying Column B from Workook2 into Workbook1!Sheet1 and removing duplicates.

I then need the macro to run a VLOOKUP type search, using the value in Column A as the search value and returning Columns C, G and H from Workbook2!Sheet1 to Workbook1!Sheet1 columns B, C and D respectively. Currently I use (translation from Finnish excel, formulas may differ a little): =VLOOKUP(Sheet1!A1; [Workbook2.xlsx]Sheet1!$B:$H; 2; FALSE).

The issue with this, is that the raw data changes each week. The report may not contain the same values each week so the VLOOKUP occasionally results in an error, meaning I lose the notes. I would need the macro to leave the original data in tact if the search value is not found..

Once again, I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me!
