Hi everyone;

I have a spreadsheet in which I want to include drop downs to 2 columns.
I got lucky and I was able to make the first combo box work, I have a pretty drop down and my values display on the first cell however I am unable to apply the same combo box to the other cells in that column.
I posted what I had for the 1st combo box and I was advised to wrap my code, I do apologize but I am new to this and I do not know how to wrap it
When I open Visual basic, under workbook open I have the following:

Private Sub Workbook_open()

With Sheet1.ComboBox1

.AddItem "Open"
.AddItem "Escalated"
.AddItem "Closed"
.AddItem "Closed/resolved"
.AddItem "Closed/unresolved"

End With

End Sub

Thank you!!!