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Making new worksheets in same workbook based on unique value in parent sheet

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    Making new worksheets in same workbook based on unique value in parent sheet

    Dear All,

    i have a input sheet in a workbook with various columns and million rows

    The column numbers are not fixed and nor is row length ...i want macro to handle this using rowcount and columncount

    The data has a column E titled "Unit involved ".....basically each entry in this column contains the unit involved as unique identity ,like -sample 1 ,sample 2 ,sample 3 etc a random manner ...approximately 150,000 entries per sheet or more ......

    Now i want the macro to copy all data related to sample 1 in a new worksheet ,sample 2 in a new worksheet ,sample 3 in a new worksheet etc tll all samples from the column E gets over and we should get seperate worksheetstitled sample 1,sample 2 ,sample 3 , likewise in the same workbook .....

    The first 2 rows should remain same like in input sheet ,the copying should start from 3rd row for each of the new worksheets and continue uptil the number of entries it contains in parent input sheet ,...for each of the entries all rows and columns should get copied ....i would prefer the macro to handle the column count for random sheets have random columns

    Say sheet 1 (parent sheet ) has in column E ->50 entries of sample 1 ,70 sample 2 ,80 sample 3 ,90 sample 4 and 100 sample 5 entries all mixed together ,then i would want sheet 2 to be titled sample 1 containing 50 entries of sample 1 ,for each of the 50 entries ,i want all columns and data like in input sheet copied into it .....,sheet 2 to be titled sample 2 and containing 70 entries ,for each of the 700 entries ,i want all columns and data like in input sheet copied into it ..... and likewise for sheet 3 and onwardds..process to continue till all sample are covered from input sheet ...
    in each of the sheets,the first 2 rows remain identical to unit sheet for title stuff ,

    Would appreciate a expert help ,also trying to solve it myself ,if hit upon a solution will post it

    My attached sheet may give a rough idea but the row numbers and column numbers are really not accurate in this dummy data

    Thanks in advance ,

    I have also raised my query at**

    Humble Regards ,

    Amlan Dutta
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