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VBA ComboBox_Change firing multiple times

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    Question VBA ComboBox_Change firing multiple times

    Hi All,

    I've created an excel document with many defined names.

    I have created some comboboxes users can use to select some values. I use defined names as ListFillRange for the comboboxes.
    I also have a linkedcell for each combobox (in the A-column, which is unprotected but hidden from the users).
    The whole sheet the user sees, is protected (except for the A-column, but that one is hidden).
    The sheet also does not show any headings and no grid. Just for your information...

    The problem that I have is the following:

    I have many lines of VBA code written. All code is working fine, except for the following: (in the Microsoft Excel Objects, in the correct sheet (so not in module, nor in class module))
    Private Sub ComboBoxCountry_Change()
      If UserSheet.ComboBoxCountry.ListIndex < 0 And UserSheet.ComboBoxCountry.Value <> "" Then
        UserSheet.Range("ComboBoxCountryLinkedCell") = "=A11" 'In cell A11, I have a reference to a defined name, namely "=DefinedNameCountryStandard"
      End If
    End Sub
    The sub mentioned above should reset the combobox entry to the standard country if the user changed it to an unwanted value.
    However, the change fires multiple times, namely 3 times!
    My explanation for this is the following:

    First time it fires: change to "=A11",
    Second time it fires: change to the value of A11, namely "=DefinedNameCountryStandard"
    Third time it fires: change to the value of DefinedNameCountryStandard, namely "The Netherlands".

    I think it's weird that the combobox_change() fires three times, while I expected it to fire only once.

    I tried using Application.EnableEvents = False, but that doesn't work. After some searching on Google I've learned that it doesn't work on user input fields, such as ComboBoxes.
    Then I tried building a variable in my VBA code, but I couldn't get that to work. I tried using a Cell "A20" as a boolean (True/False) and using it like this:
    Private Sub ComboBoxCountry_Change()
      Dim enableCountryChange As Boolean
      enableCountryChange = UserSheet.Range("A20").Value
      If enableCountryChange Then
        If UserSheet.ComboBoxCountry.ListIndex < 0 And UserSheet.ComboBoxCountry.Value <> "" Then
          UserSheet.Range("A20").Value = False ' set enableCountryChange to FALSE
          UserSheet.Range("ComboBoxCountryLinkedCell") = "=A11" 'In cell A11, I have a reference to a defined name, namely "=DefinedNameCountryStandard"
          UserSheet.Range("A20").Value = True ' set enableCountryChange to TRUE
        End If
        'EnableCountryChange set to FALSE, so exit sub without continuing
        Exit Sub 'Tried it without the "Exit Sub" call also
      End If
    End Sub
    This code sometimes works fine in my excel document, but sometimes it doesn't and I can't find out why (I'm debugging quite a lot the past few days).
    The sub combobox_change keeps firing multiple times, and same goes for some - if not all - other comboboxes I'm using.
    Because of security-issues I can't post the file, but I've provided you with all the information I think is necessary.

    If anyone else knows a workaround or a solution to my problem, please tell me...


    Percy Dobbelsteyn
    Last edited by percy1984; 02-06-2012 at 05:32 PM.

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