
Thanks for reading this post! I know this topic has been beaten mostly to death, but I could not figure out how to implement the various code to fit my purposes.

I have an equipment status log sheet. People fill out any broken equipment when they are finished using it. I have a macro that fills in a timestamp in column A on the row they are filling out, when they input their shift number. The user base is largely untrained in computer use, so basic protection of the data should be sufficient to eliminate people from altering previous shifts data. (this will prevent someone from one shift breaking a piece of equipment then logging it as broken during the previous shift.

I need a macro that Locks all non-empty cells twice per day at shift changes (7am and 7pm). I have looked at other code that has been posted around that does automatic locking at a certain time, but I have been completely unsuccessful at adapting it to lock at 2 different times, neither of which are at midnight.
Attached (hopefully) is a sample of the spreadsheet
Any help is greatly appreciated.

ForumHelpSTARprobe Equipment Status Data.xlsm