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Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

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  1. #1
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    Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

    I am creating a Userform for an inventory management system, and I can't seem to figure out how to copy my data exactly where I want it in my workbook.

    I am using Sheet2.jpg to collect raw material data, which I would like organized by date in my workbook Sheet1.jpg.

    Say the date is today, 03/06/2012: I would like the "Quantity" to be copied to cell L11 in the worksheet titled "Title" to correspond with the date.

    Basically, I'd like VBA to do something to the effect of: If Date = "xx/xx/xxxx" Then Copy Data from TextBoxQuantity to Cell "XX" in workbook "Title".

    I'm sorry if I am not wording things properly, VBA is not my area of expertise. Actually, programming of any kind whatsoever is not my expertise. I seriously appreciate any assistance in this matter.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Simple VBA coding help? Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

    Hello themikeford,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    The macro code below is for "TextBox1" and "TextBox2". I used these as default names because I don't know what you named your TextBoxes. Copy the code from the Dim statement to the line before the End Sub and paste this into the AfterUpdate procedure for your text box where the date is entered. Change "TextBox2" in the macro to match the name of the"Quantity In" text box.
    Private Sub TextBox1_AfterUpdate()
        Dim C As Long
        Dim D As Integer
        Dim FindDate As Range
        Dim GivenDate As Variant
        Dim M As Integer
        Dim QtyIn As Double
        Dim R As Long
        Dim Y As Integer
        Dim Wks As Worksheet
            Set Wks = Worksheets("Title")
                QtyIn = Val(TextBox2)
                GivenDate = CDate(ActiveControl.Value)
                D = Day(GivenDate)
                M = Month(GivenDate)
                Y = Year(GivenDate)
                GivenDate = Format(GivenDate, "mmm-yyyy")
                Set FindDate = Wks.Rows(2).Cells.Find(GivenDate, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, False)
                    If Not FindDate Is Nothing Then
                       R = FindDate.Row: C = FindDate.Column
                       Wks.Cells(R + 3 + D, C + 1) = QtyIn
                    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Leith Ross; 03-06-2012 at 02:04 PM.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert p24leclerc's Avatar
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    Re: Simple VBA coding help? Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

    Hi Leith Ross,
    I like your code. It's always instructing and inspiring. But here, why bother calculating R = FindDate.Row as it will always be 2.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Simple VBA coding help? Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

    Hello p24leclerc,

    You are correct. I could have simply used 2. It is an automatic habit I have of making the code more flexible. If the user should decide to make a change later on, I don't have to make as many alterations to the code.

  5. #5
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    Re: Copy textbox data to a specific cell, based on date

    Thank you for the speedy response, and my apologies for the delay in responding. I haven't had a chance to work the bugs out of the code and get it implemented into my particular project, but my hopes are high! Thanks again.

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