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VBA Code to Differentiate between two Datasets using one data field and copying out.

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    VBA Code to Differentiate between two Datasets using one data field and copying out.

    Hey all,

    First post so apologies if coming across as a newbie but the site is great.

    Tried to find this myself but not working so thought I'd bite the bullet and post.

    I have two data sets A and B with the same number of data fields, 8. (one is the data set from today, the other is the day previous).

    The data-fields contain both text and numerical data.

    Basically I am trying to write a macro to find the data that is in A and not in B, (using a unique numerical code number in column D, "REF"),

    and copying this (ie the full 8 data fields) into a new sheet.

    I am also looking to find the data that is in B but not in A (again, using the "REF" user field) and also copying into the another new sheet.

    This will be a daily function so looking to get it automated with a macro button.

    I have posted the data and also the what I am looking for the output, I had to use bogus data unfortunately as slightly sensitive.

    Thanks in advance,

    A Frustrated Newbie.
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