This forum has been excellent with helping me solve my excel issues, and so I have another question to ask.

I am currently working on a marketing report. I have certain cells calling for numbers from cells on a different sheet, and placing them in one single cell. Because the two numbers represent a high and a low, I have them displaying in the new cell like so;

1225 - 1420

Lets call those low and high square feet. I would like to be able to determine the price per square foot by dividing the number with the corresponding price, which may also look like this. To clarify, I have two cells, and they look a little something like this;

1225 - 1420
970 - 1220

I need to be able to get the price per square foot, and have it display properly. The correct answer would look like this;

0.79 - 0.86

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!