Hi guys:

Here is the link where the yahoo finance offers real time data updates in realtime in csv format.


Where the ^nsei denotes the yahoo finance symbol for Nifty

For Example by replacing ^nsei with the ACC.NS(yahoo finance symbol for ACC we could be able to get the realtime intraday data for yahoo feed in csv format (1 min data). Where the Yahoo finance symbol for nse stocks can be found from Yahoo Symbol Lookup


and range=1d denotes intraday data feed and range=5d denotes past 5days data feed

The below link give the realtime data feed for past 5days which could be used as a source to backfill your chart for the past 5 days.


Can someone help me extract this data in excel on a continuous basis....

Secondly, can a macro be disgned so that if I enter the Yahoo symbol in cell A1 and the time interval (1 min / 5 min) in cell B1... the data will be pulled out accordingly for the stock whose symbol I have entered in A1... similarly, if I enter numerous stock symbols on numerous sheets, I can pull out data of numerous stocks simultaneously....

Lastly, is it possible to limit the number of datapoints to 300, with the latest data being in the 300th row???

Thanks & Cheers,
