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Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substrings

  1. #1
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    Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substrings

    Ok this is a pretty complicated question. I am given a txt file "Data.txt". It has a lot of these lines

    [GPS: Central time,lat,dir,lon,dir,vel,cog,trk]
    [GPS: Central time,lat,dir,lon,dir,vel,cog,trk]

    What I'm wondering is how to extract each of the "Central Time" "lat" "dir" etc. from the file's first line. Then ignoring them for the rest of the file while still extracting each of the "135921.00" "3609.75843" "N" etc . I keep getting confused as to which variables I'm using or if I'm even using them correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

    Note - I already have the file opening, just need to know how to access the string/substrings. I'm also having to post the "Central Time" ect. as titles from A1-H1, as well as continuously post the data from An-Hn. In case anyone knows how to do that dynamically either.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    The simple Data TextToColumns functionality seems to provide all you need.
    Just copy the file into column A in a worksheet and specify the comma as a delimiter.
    Richard Buttrey

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  3. #3
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    I just tried to use the function, but I couldn't quite figure out how to do it with the variable of the different files that will be added. See most of it needs to be variables that just read in the title (which could change from file to file). The delimiter being "," was a good help though. Just can't figure out what looping style I need to use nor how to use it to extract the substring. Thank you though!

  4. #4
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    Hi Sameki

    I think you have three options:-
    1) A macro that reads the file line by line and parses the data (or ignores it) as appropriate.
    2) A macro that pre-processes the file, prior to import; or
    3) Read all the file in to a spreadsheet then delete the rows you don't want.

    I reckon Option 3 is probably the most reliable. The following code will clean out any rows with GPS in column A, but doesn't change Row 1, so leaves the headings intact.

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  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    Hello Sameki121,

    This macro may be what you want. It lets you choose the text file to open, the worksheet you want the output on, and the range where the output is to start. The header is copied only once.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    Worked great Leith Ross thank you so much! RSCSmith your's worked too until I found out one of the requirements was that the sheet be cleared each run through, but thanks!

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Extract Substring, then Ignore that Substring, while collecting data from Other substr

    Hello Sameki121,

    You'e welcome. Glad to help.

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