Hi Guys,

I ahve a spreadhseet whith a list of name sand dates.

The names are all stored in column I. Names are repeated several times.

I am trying to make a macro which will extract all rows which have the same name and paste them into a new workbook.

So far I have the following code but can't figure out the "Copy rows with same value in column I" part.

Auto Gap Report

Option Explicit

Sub SaveContactWBs()
Dim fPATH As String, ContactRNG As Range, c As Long

fPATH = "c:\targetfolder\"            
fPATH = "c:\targetfolder"            

Set ContactRNG = Range("I:I")

For c = 1 To ContactRNG.Areas.Count

‘****Cant figure out the code to go here which copies all rows with the same value in column I and pastes them into the new sheet****

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fPATH & Range("I1").Value & ".xls", xlNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Close False
Next c

End Sub
If any of you Excel gurus can help with the missing code then i will be eternally thankful!
