Fairly new at Excel 2007. I need help with this issue and need help on how to imploment the control. I have 2 sheets in my workbook. On sheet 2 is my control information. On sheet 1 is my control. I have cell A1 set up as a "Data Validation" "In-cell dropdown" taking 10 values from sheet 2 cells A1-A10. Is there a way that I can get cell A2 on sheet 1 to take corisponding infromation from cells B1-B2 on sheet 2 to auto fill in cell A2 on sheet 1.
If A1(sheet1) is A1(sheet2) then A2(sheet1) is B1 or
If A1(sheet1) is A2(sheet2) then A2(sheet1) is B2 or
If A1(sheet1) is A3(sheet2) then A2(sheet1) is B3....... and so on.

Thanks for the help.