What Im trying to do is this:

Im making a range filter for flagging data. I want the user to be prompted as such

How many flags are there in the set?

on the next window I either want A) There to be that many sets of "upper bound: " and "lower bound: " text areas OR B) I want to spawn up to that many windows concurrently.

I've just recently started learning VB and now Im trying to get into UserForms. The code Im converting from is as followed (this is the tool without user forms)

Sub flag()
    'Finds the current worksheet name
    Dim Sheet_Name As String
    Sheet_Name = ActiveSheet.Name
    'Finds the last row of data
    Dim lastRow As Integer
    lastRow = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Name).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    'Finds the last column of data
    Dim lastColumn As Long
    lastColumn = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet_Name).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    'findCol is User input for flag column
    findCol = InputBox(Prompt:="What column would you like to flag? (Please match exact spelling).", Title:="Column Name: ")
    findCol = StrConv(findCol, vbUpperCase)
    'Cycles the Columns searching for findCol match
    For i = 1 To lastColumn
        'Evaluates the current column name and makes it capitol
        ColName = Range(Cells(1, i).Address).Text
        ColName = StrConv(ColName, vbUpperCase)
        'Evaluates ColName vs findCol
        If ColName = findCol Then
            'inserts a column before found column for flagging
            'names the flag column
            Range(Cells(1, i).Address).Value = InputBox(Prompt:="Please name your flag column.", Title:="Column Name: ")
            Dim filter As Integer
            'Checks to see if its a numeric filter
            filter = MsgBox("Is your flag a number filter?", vbYesNo, "Flag Filter")
            If filter = vbYes Then 'Yes its a number filter
                'checks to see how many filters are to be applied
                Dim numFilt As Integer
                numFilt = InputBox(Prompt:="How many flags are there?", Title:="Number of Flags: ")
                For j = 1 To numFilt
                    'checks to see if its the last filter being applied
                    If j = numFilt Then
                        'Checks to see if last flag is for everything else
                        Dim allElse As Integer
                        allElse = MsgBox("would you like to flag everything else the same?", vbYesNo, "Flag all else?")
                        If allElse = vbYes Then
                            'finds every blank row and flags it
                            For h = 2 To lastRow
                                If Range(Cells(h, i).Address).Text = "" Then
                                    Range(Cells(h, i).Address).Value = j
                                End If 'ending flagger
                            Next h
                          Exit For
                        End If 'ending allElse
                    End If 'ends last filter check
                        'finding upper and lowerbound
                        Dim filtUpper As Integer
                        filtUpper = InputBox(Prompt:="What is the Upper bound of filter: " & j & "?", Title:="Upper to be flagged: " & j)
                        Dim filtLower As Integer
                        filtLower = InputBox(Prompt:="What is the Lower bound of filter: " & j & "?", Title:="Lower to be flagged: " & j)
                        'Flags all rows that match criteria
                        For k = 2 To lastRow

                            If Range(Cells(k, i + 1).Address).Value >= filtLower And Range(Cells(k, i + 1).Address).Value <= filtUpper Then
                                Range(Cells(k, i).Address).Value = j
                            End If 'ending Criteria flagger
                        Next k
                Next j
            MsgBox ("Its not a number filter") 'Placeholder
            End If 'ends filter selection
          Exit For 'once column has found match
          End If 'ending column match
        Next i
End Sub