I've searched on the forums but I've yet to find any solution that I understood or could use. So I will try to explain what I want to accomplish and what I've tried.

So I have a list that I will filter several times, for each of those times I need to copy the content that is shown to a new worksheet. Since I'm a beginner I tried to use the macro recorder and then I ended up with something like this.

        Range("Cells(StartRowToCopyFrom, StartColumnToCopyFrom): Cells(EndRowToCopyFrom, EndCollumnToCopyFrom)").Copy
        Range(Cells(StartRowToPasteIn + CurrentRowOffSet, StartCollumnToPasteIn)).Paste
        CurrentRowOffSet = ActiveCell.Row + 2
Here Cells(StartRowToCopyFrom, StartColumnToCopyFrom) is the top left corner of the area I want to copy from and Cells(EndRowToCopyFrom, EndCollumnToCopyFrom) is the bottom right corner of the area I want to copy from.

I googled the error code I got when trying this "Error 1004", which lead me to belive that you can only copy like this if you do it manually and when using macros it wont work, since the list is filtered.

So Is there someone that can help me/put me in the right direction. I've seen examples using .SpecialCells .(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy and ).End(XlUp).Row But I've not been able to get it to work, and frankly I've not understood the examples I've read either.