Hi All!

I have the following problem with users compiling a database for a hire car company.

No Hire car Start Date End Date Days on hire Days off hire
1 ABC1234 1 Jan 12 12 Jan 12 12
2 ABC1234 25 Jan 12 2 Feb 12 9
3 ABC1234 10 Jan 12 15 Jan 12 6

Now what I need to do is warn the user someway (new worksheet report??, using conditional formatting??) that there are missing days where the car is off hire - between entries 1 and 2 from 13 Jan 12 to 24 Jan 12 - which need to be recorded and that there has been entered an overlapping period between 10 Jan 12 and 12 Jan 12 (Entries 1 and 3) - in other words we are double counting for 2 days.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.
