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calculate percent for number of 1s in column h per patient ID in column N

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    calculate percent for number of 1s in column h per patient ID in column N

    hi all,

    i had posted a little while back(thanks for all the help!)
    it is a very similar problem im having would love some input

    in column N is different patient IDS with corresponding data in previous columns.
    I need for each different patient ( AC1002, AS695, BO969...etc) the number of 1's in column H over the total number of cells(WITH VALUES)
    in column H for each participant (BLANK CELLS DO NOT COUNT)
    (the percentage of 1's versus the number of CELLS WITH VALUES(1s and twos)

    Study-6-EO-Assessments-Phase2-BZE Quant Abstinence.xls

    the programs should put this percentage number in column O w/ the corresponding ptID (ex. AC1002: 42% AS695: 45.2%..etc_

    on my previous post blanks did count, and the formula that worked was:

    =N2&": "&TEXT(SUMPRODUCT(($H$2:$H$3759=1)*($N$2:$N$3759=N2))/COUNTIF($N$2:$N$3759,N2),"0.#%")

    it just needs to be tweaked to not include blanks

    i am attaching the file to make it much easier :D

    thank you soo soo much!!!

    best wishes


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Re: calculate percent for number of 1s in column h per patient ID in column N

    let me know if you have questions

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