Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for taking a look and your help!

I am looking for a macro or some methodology that will allow me to reference a many cell with a hyperlink that will auto update if the referenced cell's text or hyperlink is changed. (for example, Cell "Sheet1!A4" will mirror "MasterSheet!B3" when "MasterSheet!B3" is a hyperlink to an external website that is displayed as )

A normal cell reference will only reference the text in the cell without regards to formatting like a hyperlink, so in this example, all I get is the "✓" with no embedded hyperlink. I will need to do this with hundreds of cells, in order to reference a MasterFile where everything can be updated on one sheet, so it will populate the remainder of the spreadsheet in the correct places.

Please let me know if I can clarify or if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your help!