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creating and placing multiple charts based on row values in a new sheet.

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    creating and placing multiple charts based on row values in a new sheet.

    Hi there ,

    I'd like to create charts in an new sheet , and i have a sheet where i got over 400 lines of data.
    The data for the charts are row values ( not column values)
    Each chart should contain the header row (row1) and every 2 rows below.

    ex :
    chart 1 has rows 1 + 2 + 3
    chart 2 has rows 1 + 4 + 5
    chart 3 has rows 1 + 6 + 7

    and so on.

    I attached a file with some data and a sheet with some charts.
    Data is reduced to +/- 30 rows ( and not the full 400 rows)
    The sheet with the charts is how i'd like to have them placed in the sheet.

    I can find some code to produce several charts on the internet, or get the macro recorder and adapt the code to my needs.
    But if someone can get me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

    My biggest challenge is to put the charts evenly in a new sheet , 2 or 3 next to each other and then continue beneath the already created charts.
    If i do a manual insert of a chart , it will always put the chart in the middle of the screen , and not where i selected a cell.

    Perhaps there is a way around this ?

    Any help , links are very much appreciated.
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