Hi All,

I have a number of csv files that are in a specific folder. I am trying to open each one of them and copy data from them into an excel workbook. in the CSV file i also have date in one of the columns. the date in csv file is in dd/mm/yyyy format, when i try to copy the date sometimes it copies as dd/mm/yyyy someother times it gets copied as mm/dd/yyyy. I browsed the net and found out that we have to enable Local:=True in the workbooks.open function.

I am trying to use this syntax:
tp = workbooks.Open(Folder & "\*.CSV",,,,,,,,,,,,,True ,) I get a compiler error _ Expected: expression
i have declared tp as workbook/object/variant and tried but still it did not work.
when ever i use just workbooks.open(Folder & "\*.CSV") it works fine, but I really need to pass True to "Local" parameter of Open.
what is the correct syntax here...Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.