
I've been working with this code for a while and it's been working great.

I have programming in a few prompt boxes. Two for simple yes, no answers and the next two for user input.

As of right now - don't know why - the input prompts aren't even appearing. The yes, no prompt boxes work fine. And the code automatically jumps right do the default input of both input prompts as if the user had just pressed enter both times....can someone please help to figure out why this is happening?

         Dim iInput As String
         Dim iInput2 As Double

         Application.ScreenUpdating = True

         iInput = InputBox(Prompt:="What Shift? (D/N)", _
         Title:="Shift?", Default:="D")
         Range("J3") = UCase(iInput)
         iInput2 = InputBox(Prompt:="8.3, 8 or 9 Hour Shift?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Options:" _
         & vbCrLf & "8.3" & vbCrLf & "9" & vbCrLf & "8", _
         Title:="Shift?", Default:="8.3")

         Application.ScreenUpdating = False

         If iInput2 = 9 Then
         ElseIf iInput2 = 8 Then
         ElseIf iInput2 = 8.3 Then
         End If
The prompt is automatically executing the 8.3 portion of the elseif statement....

Thanks for any help.