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Converting csv to excel

  1. #1
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    Converting csv to excel

    Hi friends:

    Can someone help me on this one to get the continuous & realtime update output in excel?

    The below link gives the realtime backfill data which most of the softwares are probably using it as a source for realtime datafeed



    q= stock symbol on Google finance
    x= exchange symbol
    i= interval (here 60 means 60 sec (1 minute interval))
    p= no of period(here 5d denotes 5 days of data)
    f= parameters (day, close, open, high and low)
    df= difference (cpct is may be in % change )
    auto =1,
    ts = time start… if you cut the last 4 digits…the rest gives the start day in seconds

    you can choose your own set of value depending upon your need.

    The following link gives the 1 min Realtime data for Nifty


    To get 1 min Data


    To get 5 min Data


    to get 15 min Data

    to get Hourly Data

    want to know how to and from where to fetch intraday realtimedata feed using yahoo finance. Here is the link where the yahoo finance offers real time data updates in realtime in csv format at free of cost.

    I am trying to create a sheet so that I have to key in the scrip name (Any stock or index which has a code on Google Finance / Yahoo Finance) in cell A1 and the duration (1 min / 5 min / 15 min / 1 hour) in cell B1. The number of data-points should be limited to a maximum of 500.

    Then using VBA (which I want help from someone on the forum) I should be able to get the data in Excel format on realtime basis..... the above links give the data in CSV... This is the most important part.... getting the data in excel on an on-going basis, one row below the other....

    When we reach the 501st datapoint, the entire data set should move one row up.... Thus the original 2nd datapoint should become the 1st datapoint and the 501st will be the 500th.... and so on.... hence, at any given point of time, there should be 500 datapoints.....

    Finally the file should be designed in a way so that if I want real-time data for 50 - 100 stocks simultaneously, I should be able to get it.....

    Thanks & Regards,
    Navin Agrawal

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel


    Please upload the workbooks to this forum.

    Many of us are not prepared to download from third party servers (Google included) for obvious reasons.
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

    If any of the responses have helped then please consider rating them by clicking the small star icon below the post.

  3. #3
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    I dont have any workbooks. This is a link which is freely available on the net. Using the above explanation & links one can build any formats (1min,5min, 15min,hourly) of real time data and can be use as a backfill to feed charting softwares like Amibroker, Metastock, Ninja Trader etc...

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    Ok, what have you tried so far? Have you looked at using a web query then text to columns?

    Nobody is going to design something for you from scratch, to do everything you need without you at least showing that you've tried to do at least some of it on your own.

    We do this for kicks, we aren't getting paid - unless someone knows something I don't??

  5. #5
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    Thanks a lot Kyle..... appreciate your response....

    but just to let you know, I am aware no one is getting paid, but there are still people who are helping others right from scratch without expecting anything.... I have had one gentleman who helped me for several weeks (he stayed awake till 2 am due to the time zone difference) and not once did he make me feel he is doing me a favor or is expecting anything in return....

    People like me are not experts like many of those on this forum and dont know how to go about doing things, hence we post our requests.....

    I feel you should not be on this forum if you are doing things in return for something..... You ought to avoid replying or posting your comments if you feel you are not capable enough to help...

    Anyway, Thanks a lot, all the best and god bless you.....

    Thanks & Regards,
    Last edited by Cutter; 08-23-2012 at 10:53 AM. Reason: Removed whole post quote

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    I certainly expect noting in return for my help, I too have helped many people and spent a lot of time on their problems.

    I spend as much time as they require in order to help with issues. I do however ask that people try to at least show some willingness to help themselves, we don't learn if we don't try. I believe that I have given you some pointers as to where to start- web queries; They will allow you to import the data from the link directly into your workbook, text to columns will then separate it out into the correct cells.

    Give them a whirl, see if they work for you and if not post back with more specific requests

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel


    The links you included are not links to any real time data sets as you imply, rather a fixed data set.

    As Kyle has suggested, try making an attempt to create a workbook with a data query and upload it. Someone may then be able to help. You need to help us help you.

    One question though. Is this a mainly personal request for interest only, or part of a commercial piece of software that you are developing for your Instanex

    "leading, India-focused investment, advisory and risk-management firm with close to two decades of experience. We are acknowledged as an expert in each of our niche areas of business and have reinforced our reputation with periodic innovations:"


    If the latter, and since you seem to be wanting someone to develop this from scratch, can I suggest that you enter a proper commercial relationship with someone rather than expecting to profit on the backs of others.

    I apologise if this is not your intention, but that's the way it is coming across.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    I'm also curious how your post differs from http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...85#post2743985

  9. #9
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    This is personal

    ---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

    Its the same...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle123 View Post
    I'm also curious how your post differs from http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...85#post2743985

  10. #10
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    I am attaching a file for what I have done so far...

    But the following still needs to be incorporated:

    I am trying to create a sheet so that I have to key in the scrip name (Any stock or index which has a code on Google Finance / Yahoo Finance) in cell A1 and the duration (1 min / 5 min / 15 min / 1 hour) in cell B1. The number of data-points should be limited to a maximum of 500.

    Then using VBA (which I want help from someone on the forum) I should be able to get the data in Excel format on realtime basis..... the above links give the data in CSV... This is the most important part.... getting the data in excel on an on-going basis, one row below the other....

    When we reach the 501st datapoint, the entire data set should move one row up.... Thus the original 2nd datapoint should become the 1st datapoint and the 501st will be the 500th.... and so on.... hence, at any given point of time, there should be 500 datapoints.....

    Finally the file should be designed in a way so that if I want real-time data for 50 - 100 stocks simultaneously, I should be able to get it.....


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle123 View Post
    I certainly expect noting in return for my help, I too have helped many people and spent a lot of time on their problems.

    I spend as much time as they require in order to help with issues. I do however ask that people try to at least show some willingness to help themselves, we don't learn if we don't try. I believe that I have given you some pointers as to where to start- web queries; They will allow you to import the data from the link directly into your workbook, text to columns will then separate it out into the correct cells.

    Give them a whirl, see if they work for you and if not post back with more specific requests
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    Forum Guru Winon's Avatar
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    Hello Navin Agrawal,

    Comments like this will get you absolutely nowhere!
    I feel you should not be on this forum if you are doing things in return for something..... You ought to avoid replying or posting your comments if you feel you are not capable enough to help...
    And in support of Richard Buttrey
    ...and since you seem to be wanting someone to develop this from scratch, can I suggest that you enter a proper commercial relationship with someone rather than expecting to profit on the backs of others.
    Please refrain from launching personal opinionated attacks. I believe it would only be proper to offer Kyle123 your apollogy.

    Show us what you have done to get what you want and what you are stuck with. Only then you may expect some help from someone, until your problem is solved!

  12. #12
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    Re: Converting csv to excel

    Hello Winon:

    My intention was not to launch a personal attack on anyone, especially on this forum since members have been very helpful. I have already mentioned about one gentleman who went out of his way to help me for weeks without once trying to hint that he was doing me a favor.

    Kyle123's statement that we are not getting paid was something that was also not called for. Anyways, apologies to anyone who may have been been offended.

    Secondly, there is nothing commercial angle attached to this. It is all for personal analysis. What I am seeking help is merely converting a csv file to excel to analyse my personal trading & investment portfolio.

    I am attaching a file of what I have done so far, something similar to what Kyle123 suggested. It is only basic work that i have done because I am not an expert at excel and nor do I know much about VBAs.

    But the following still needs to be incorporated:

    When I refresh the file, the csv data again re-appears and the excel data (which I got by using text to data option) becomes static.

    I am trying to create a sheet so that I have to key in the scrip name (Any stock or index which has a code on Google Finance / Yahoo Finance) in cell A1 and the duration (1 min / 5 min / 15 min / 1 hour) in cell B1. The number of data-points should be limited to a maximum of 500.

    Then using VBA (which I want help from someone on the forum) I should be able to get the data in Excel format on realtime basis..... the above links give the data in CSV... This is the most important part.... getting the data in excel on an on-going basis, one row below the other....

    When we reach the 501st datapoint, the entire data set should move one row up.... Thus the original 2nd datapoint should become the 1st datapoint and the 501st will be the 500th.... and so on.... hence, at any given point of time, there should be 500 datapoints.....

    Finally the file should be designed in a way so that if I want real-time data for 50 stocks simultaneously, I should be able to get it.....

    Once again, I am not here to offend someone because I realize, I am SEEKING help, not GIVING help!

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Cutter; 08-23-2012 at 10:55 AM. Reason: Removed whole post quotes

  13. #13
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    get the live data from NSE


    I am looking for utility to download data from NSEINDIA

    I am ready to hard code codes. it should pick data and update CMP with OPEN< HIGH, Low, Previous Close, Y'day HIGH, Y'day Low,

    Can some one help and send me this. advance thanks

    [email protected]


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