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sort by date, show records with only dates less than 30 days from today, and count....

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    sort by date, show records with only dates less than 30 days from today, and count....

    hi Everyone,

    good to be back.

    here is what i am trying to do. i search a custom database and copy records to an excel sheet. there can be 1 record or 1000. each record will have the following: date (say A1), a phone number (say D1), and other information in other cells.

    what i need to do is this....

    1. sort the date from newest to lastest.
    2. show only records from the past 30 days from current day. there maybe 100 and out of the 100 there maybe duplicates. i want those.
    3. on a different sheet post all records with all the cell headings from the first but the list shortened using the duplicate phone numbers. example: cells-> date, name, address, phone number, .... number of times(a count of times a phone number is listed from the first sheet. so if 412-234-6677 shows 10 times and is in the last 30 days, i would like it to show the the phone number once with the number of times being 10)

    i just need to get a starting point. i know that it can be done easier with other functions. this would be a daily thing so i would need to save the process so i can run when need be.

    any help would be great.
    Last edited by pbucc; 08-23-2012 at 11:39 AM.

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