I have been searching through similar posts but haven't found one that is quite the same as my request. I am new to VB and Macros, but feel confident in my ability to comprehend the language and to input/run the code.

I have a list of parts that are associated with pdf files found in another directory. The parts are labeled by number, but also by "Certification" number. The file names of the pdf files that I need to hyperlink to contain the Certification number, but also contain other data needed for organizing the pdfs.

I need a macro that will:

1. Determine if the cell within the column range already has a hyperlink in it, and ignore it if it does
2. Read the "Certification" number in the cell
3. Look into a specified directory\subdirectory for any pdf file that -contains- the Certification number
4. Create a hyperlink in that cell using the Certification number as text to the matched pdf file
5. Ignore any cell that is blank

I believe the most similar post and response can be found here:


Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!