Greetings everyone,
my knowledge of macros is just enough to be dangerous, I know there has to be an easy way to do this. I have a spreadsheet that has text which includes retail SKU numbers. There is no pattern to the text and varies greatly. It could have only one number or could have 10. Below is an example of one entry;

on hand for new stock sku# , 959801 , 939473, also 939506, 717845, 717713, 817472, non onhand 939539, 939902, 813858

What I need is a way to extract these SKU numbers out and drop in the cells to the right as individual numbers. So if the above information is in cell A1, then what I'm looking for is A2 = 959801 A3 = 939473 A4 = 939506 A5 = 717845 and so on.

I am using Excel 2010 on Win 7 platform.
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!!!!