
Far from a short title, but very concisive.

I want to format every cell in Col "C" using IconSets under the condition that the corresponding Cell value in Col "A" is larger/similar/lower.

There is a code-snipped that I used so far, and most surprisingly it works only sometimes

Function ConditFormat(cpTarget As Range, cpSource As Range)

    Dim rows As Long
    Dim sCell As Range
    Dim tCell As Range

    With cpTarget
        ' Global settings for the icon set
    End With
    With cpTarget.FormatConditions(1)
        .ReverseOrder = True
        .ShowIconOnly = False
        .IconSet = ActiveWorkbook.IconSets(xl3TrafficLights1)
    End With

    For Each tCell In cpTarget
        With tCell.FormatConditions(1).IconCriteria(2)
            .Type = xlConditionValueNumber
            '.Value = Cells(tCell.row, cpSource.Column)
            .Value = "=" & Cells(tCell.Row, cpSource.Column)
            .Operator = 7
        End With
        With tCell.FormatConditions(1).IconCriteria(3)
            .Type = xlConditionValueNumber
            .Value = "=" & Cells(tCell.Row, cpSource.Column)
            .Operator = 5
        End With
End Function
* Reason why i run this cell by cell is that i don't see another possibility of setting the values dynamically. If there is a way so I can just define this over the entire column please tell - I'd love to!

If i only run this through a short range, say 3-4 cells, it seems to work. If i run this over an entire column.... it doesnt and everything gets flagged red.

How can I fix this?

Best regards,