
I recently made the jump to 2010 office and have discovered there is a known issue with changing page fields in VBA. in older versions, I used currentpage.

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CONVERSION").PivotFields("CHAIN").CurrentPage = _

Chain is is a string that was defined by a cell on another tab that had a drop down to select the chain I wanted

The code then set the page field to the cell value. Now when I run the code I get an run time error '5' invalid procedure call or argument.

The issue seems to be with the addition of the selectmultipleitems check box that is a new feature.

The solution I have found for this seems to be to use .clearallfilters or set to (All) before setting the pivot item I want for the page field "CHAIN"

The way my template is set up, the data will overlap many formulas if the filters are removed. Is there a way to change the field to a new value without checking every item and comparing and then setting .visible to false for all other chains.

There are also page fields for region district and store. The data set is quite large and I fear the .visible check for all chains and all stores will slow performance greatly as there are multiple pivot tables that need to be updated.

I tried setting .manualupdate to true but that still then shows all data rather than waiting to apply just the Chain name I want

Thanks so much for your help,
